We are happy to announce that we have the “potential” of our first ever Winter Season!!!
Irving Oil Field House for the upcoming Winter season on Wednesday nights at 9pm-10pm starting on Feb 5th.
***Register early to claim your spot as we need to ensure all 40 spots are registered and paid for so that the season can happen!!!***
You have to be 18+ and the $90 Registration Fee is for 6 weeks (one night/hour per week). That’s 10 Regular Season games and then Playoffs and Finals.
Registration is now open as of Tuesday December 10th at 8pm.
Upcoming Events:
– Tuesday December 10th 8:00pm – Registration Opens (***40 spots available***)
– Monday December 30th 8pm – Registration Closes (***Unless the 40 Spots are registered before that day/time***)
– Tuesday December 31st – Decision if the Winter Season is a go or not (based on the # of spots registered)
– Monday January 6th – Teams will be arranged by the Executive to be fair as possible
– Wednesday Feb 5th 9pm-10pm – The Season starts for 6 weeks (not including March Break week the 4th) and concludes on Wed March 18th.