The four team Touch Rugby tournament will be on Saturday June 22nd at the Canada Games Stadium.
You can make your own purchase for some East Coast merchandise (Cut off date is June 1st) by visiting
REGISTRATION is OPEN until Wed June 19th at 8pm
All registered participants will receive an East Coast Games T-Shirt.
Team Fees are $150 ~~~Team Spots are FULL~~~
Individuals – You can register to be part of a Player Pool at no fee.
Then if a team needs players they will reach out or if there are enough individuals then a team might be created with them. At that time, to confirm your spot, a $15 Individual Player Fee will be required.
~4 Co-Ed Teams (12 players max/team with at least 2 Female Players on the Roster)
~Players must be a minimum age of 18 or older
~Mixture of Rugby Skill Levels (New, Current, Retired) and try to limit Current Players to only 2-3 per Team.
~Games are 10 min halves with a short haftime break (Games are 25 mins in Total)
~Federation of International Touch (F.I.T.) Rules
~6 Players allowed on the Pitch with at least 1 Female and 1 Male Player at all times
~Each Team will play 3 games (one against each team). The Top Two Teams will compete for the Championship.
~Gold and Silver for the top two teams